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FPA Liquid molasses based licks

Nutritionally balanced and available as Yearling, Developer or Breeder formulations, these highly palatable molasses based licks contain a range of essential nutrients and trace minerals for beef and dairy cattle grazing all types of pastures or crop stubble or being supplemented with hay or silage.

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FPA TurboPro Molasses Slurry

FPA TurboPro Molasses Slurry is manufactured exclusively by FeedPro, for the primary use of production feeding of cattle or supplementation during drought

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FPA Dry lick

We have a wide range of protein meal based dry licks to suit all classes of livestock. We can also produce specific formulations to meet your individual requirements including PCAS licks. 

Hay and silage

We produce over 2000 bales of clean Oaten hay, Rhodes Grass hay and beautifully fermented Forage Sorghum silage annually on a dedicated hay producing property.

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