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FPA Molasses based licks

Nutritionally balanced and available as Yearling, Developer or Breeder formulations, these highly palatable molasses based licks contain a range of essential nutrients and trace minerals for beef and dairy cattle grazing all types of pastures or crop stubble or being supplemented with hay or silage.

All of these products are nutritionally formulated to provide non-protein nitrogen (urea) along with sources of phosphorous, salt and essential vitamins and minerals and a highly palatable source of energy in molasses. 


Our ability and flexibility to specifically blend these products, allows us to provide nutritional solutions for all classes of cattle. 

We recommend the use of liquid supplement through all classes of livestock for improved growth, performance, fertility and overall health of your stock.


Features of the FeedPro Liquid Supplement Range

  • The sugars in molasses provide energy for multiplication of rumen bacteria and improve fibre digesting activities.

  • Urea as a source of nitrogen, is utilised in the production of amino acids which in turn become the building blocks of protein. This in turn, improves rumen health and function, initially increases the animals appetite and in turn improves the protein and energy that is available to the animal. 

  • Rain Fast. Animals can safely consume this product after rainfall.  With the specific gravity of the blends being 25-30 % heavier than water, the rain will remain on top of the product in the trough

  • Significant levels of phosphorous in a highly bio-available form via Phosphoric Acid. This focus, improves growth rate, milk yield and fertility in cattle. 

  • The use of Novus Animal Health products, MAAC and ALIMET in the Liquid Pasture Supplement product range allow a more efficient use of urea, with increased utilsation from lower inclusions. Absorption is also improved allowing more availability for use in protein deposition such as increased milk fat. 















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Delivery or Pickup

High Country Livestock Supplements offers you flexibility when ordering. We can offer bulk delivery, can supply troughs if required and will fill your troughs, noting both the amount delivered and providing you with daily intake figures.


We can blends our products to either reduce or increase intakes depending on your requirements. 

We also offer pickup from our depot in Esk with liquid supplement provided in 1000 litre pods.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0430 719 991

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